i'm still pluggin' away at Spontaneous, my 64 page Artbook/Sketchbook/freestyle comic... it should be done by the end of September. i am including a 10 page ghettoManga insert, which is what i am working on now. ghettoManga is my magazine, all about (as the subtitle suggests) "comics, hipHop, news, art, and culture". based on my blog of the same name, producing a full sized gM periodical is among the things i would most like to do. when i try to explain what i want it to be, people get confused, so i thought Spontaneous would be a good place to show people what it is...
this preview issue features articles, reviews, and design, all by me. my goal with this is to get a deal to publish a full-sized gM with other people's money as soon as possible (anybody wanna advertise?)...
anyways, that's the main excu... er, reason the book isn't done yet. but i'll definitely finish it soon, so stay tuned. also, you can still preorder this 80+ page labour of love via paypal (or by sending a money order) for just $35.
