A little (Afro)Steampunk Fantasy

Wonderdark Rising by Samax Amen
This is one of the commissions* I have had on my desk screaming for attention for a minute. I'd say it's about 90% done

Father's Day Weekend photos

I hope everyone had a good Father's Day. We had a great weekend for this, my second Father's Day. On Friday, Charlene took Marley to a birthday party and where she got to wear her new yellow swimsuit and play in the kiddie pool with the other kids, who taught her how to scoop up water and pour it out on herself and others! Then we all went to the pizza place on Sunday. It was a simple, fun outing with the family... that's how I like it!

Wired for Empathy?

"We don't lose our... nationhood, religious identities or even our blood ties. We extend our identities so we can think of the human race as our fellow sojourners, and other creatures as our evolutionary family, and the biosphere as our community. We have to rethink the human narrative."
-Jeremy Rifkin
economist, speaker and activist

"Untamed" Tees

Inspired by my friend Kristi, who said "I was once told I was intimidating like a unicorn. No one knows how to care for a unicorn so they just stare and marvel instead"... I started creating Unicorn-themed images that I will make teeshirt designs out of, under the banner "Untamed." to peep a variety of shirts in multiple styles and colors click here.

 stay tuned for more...

If Shatner Says it, you KNOW it's true!

"Comic books are challenging. You gotta pack in so much visual information & in such a small space. What a skill that is".
-William Shatner

Herman Heed promo art

Promo artwork for Herman Heed: The Case of the Mysterious Missing Bigfoot 100% photoshop

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