Insomniac Art theater: the Champ FBR ad

Check out this one page ad I made for Champion of Children backer Mary Nichols aka DJ Fusion of Fusebox Radio...

Fusion put down loot to support the Champion of Children Kickstarter campaign and in exchange received this ad in the Champion of Children: I'm known as the Champ trade paperback which will go to the printer any day now (since I finally finished this ad. Sorry Corance!). This ad features Champion of Children star Lil Madd Skillz (and her daddy 2 Raw in a non-speaking role).

I drew the panel with an old-fashioned wooden #2 pencil during my lunch break, lightboxed it onto a piece of bristol board, and inked it with a water based brush pen. I duplicated, altered and toned it the panel and then lettered it in photoshop. The font is called "Love Ya Like a Sister" which you can get free online. Just use the magic power of Google.

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