On Newstands all over Dallas/Fort Worth

i'd be telling a "bold faced lie"- as my nanna would say- if i tried to tell you i wasn't proud as can be to have my artwork on the cover of the Quick this week (even MORE proud than i was to be ON the Quick earlier this month). i have no idea at all how many issues of this they roll out every week, but it's gotta be in the tens of thousands, at least!

for those not in the DFW metroplex, the Quick is a local entertainment paper published by the Dallas Morning News and available free of charge all over the area. they come out every Thursday and are full of events, restaurants, and other assorted crap for you to add to your "to-do" or "wish-i-had-time-to-do this weekend" lists. the issue will be everywhere you look until about Tuesday, then right on cue another will take its place the following Thursday. when i worked the graveyard shift at a call center, they dropped a bundle everyday at around 3am that stayed in the break rooms of the building all week. The idea that my art will be sitting in the break room at my old job, that my former coworkers (including the haters) will sit and read from it while they drink their coffee or energy drinks (without realizing it's my art they're holding)... that's exciting to me!

that's the funny thing about being an artist. i WANT people to gravitate to my work... to look at it, and say "now THAT'S cool" or generally to get something out of it. but i'm not all that interested in fame. i want my work to be recognized, but not necessarily to be recognized myself too much. all month, people have been stopping me and saying "weren't you on the Quick?", and while my 15 minutes was fun, it means more to me that my artwork is on the cover, even though most people won't even know it's my work. but I will know.
that's what's up...


AHGreenwood said...

I can't get over how epic that guy looks. Fantastic job, mang.

Serena said...

That's what's up!!!!! Proud of ya!

Michael said...

love watching your work blow up like this. And yes, it's true, tens of thousands of Quick readers have now been exposed to your work- TWICE- in a short period of time.

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