"Women Have Better Memories Than Men"

Hey, fam,

I'm gonna be cranking out more comic strips this year.  Even though I fully intend to do more superhero comics this year than ever before, I want to get into the habit of writing and drawing lots and lots of comic strips.

I've been working on my bag of tricks to make that possible. I'll share more on that later, but suffice to say I have been writing new strips like crazy!

Here's one I wrote yesterday.

I was in the middle of doing something else when this idea popped into my mind, but I was able to jot it down before I forgot.

It took like two minutes to write.  It's an example of what I call a "Me, Them, Me" script.  The kind of fun and easy writing that comic strips are made of, and just one of ten prompts included in my free comic strip writing tool

Most people don't feel confident in their ability to write a good comic strip.  But I see tweets and Facebook posts like this everyday that could be made into incredible comic strips with just a little effort.

If you have already downloaded my free comic strip writing tool, you could easily write 4 or 5 strips a day.

Try it!

Earlier, I hinted at expanding my bag of tricks.

Last year, a big chunk of my freelancing income was from doing comic strips for business clients.  I also started a comic strip about freelancing and wrote a book for struggling freelancers to help them succeed.

All this happened because I caught the bug of making comic strips.

So I knew I wanted to get even faster at making them (for clients and myself), so I could have more success.

Developing this writing tool has really helped with this.  I have been writing new strips like crazy!

Drawing is a slower process, but in my work as a freelance cartoonist I have developed tactics and tools I use to go as faster and faster, and I'm cleaning them up and organizing them to make something useful I can offer to you soon.

It will help artists draw strips faster, and help non-artists make their own strips... Even if they can't draw!

So stay tuned for that.

If you'd like a signed 6 x 11 inch print of Great Memory, click the button below to order for just $13 (includes domestic shipping) while supplies last.
"Great Memory" 6 x 11 Print

Well, I gotta get to work,  fam...
(these comics ain't gonna draw themselves). 

Thanks so much for reading!

Have a great weekend!
-Samax ("some AX") Amen

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