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Okay, so last week i finished the graphic novel i was working on for my client, and i just finished reading the script for my SECOND assignment from them! this one is a little bit shorter, but it will still be a great assignment for me. this one will give me a chance to work on my horror storytelling skills. it's a prequel to the previous books, focusing on some of the older characters when they were younger, and revolves around ghost stories!
the vignettes in the script focus on different sub-genres (a period story set around the Alamo, a tragic love story, and a super-spooky cautionary tale), so i will get a chance to REALLY stretch and show what i can do, as well as solve problems on a tight schedule. On the last project, i really learned a lot, which will contribute to even better planning and execution this go-round.
I went in to visit the client on Friday, and they were extremely pleased with my work, so i'm really looking forward to doing it better and faster on this one!

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