A great Weekend...

I can't remember the last time I spent two days in a row away from my drawing board and laptop, but I haven't done any drawing in over 48 hours! I had a great weekend, so it's okay...

sneaky photo by Justin Nygren
Saturday, I taught a class about comics at the ArtLoveMagic Artist's Workshop.  Here's a list of books (all of which I own) that I shared info from. Many artists hate talking about their art, but I actually enjoy it. Not so much explaining MY art specifically, but just talking about art (especially comics) in general. I did two sessions, and they were totally different groups with different interests, so the classes ended up being totally different. It was a lot of fun, and I think I was at least a little bit helpful.
After that I watched Hulk Vs at my man Khalid's crib. For some reason, I wasn't all that interested in watching it, but once I did I was surprised at how good the animation was. The Hulk Vs Wolverine joint was my favorite (read my full review here)

After that we kicked it backstage with Del the Funky Homosapien. Del's lady Allana Muhammad is a close personal friend (she sang at my wedding) who I hadn't seen in ages. So when she called and invited me to come to the Palladium in Dallas and hang out with her and Del, I was like "sure, why not?" Del is (as you might expect) extremely cool. He loves comics, cartoons, and hip hop, so we got along great! It was like visiting a family member I hadn't seen in years. and he's bonkers on the mic too!


Today, I rose with the sun, and looked nature in the eye. After a battle of epic proportions, Nature fell to my blade! In other words, I finally cut the grass. But it really needed to be done! Afterwords, I felt like a conquering hero. Like any hero returning from the field of battle, tired and a little wiser, I received a hero's welcome. My wife prepared a hero's feast!

now that i've put my wife and daughter to bed, I can get back to the old drawing board!
good times...

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