American Woman...

Fighting Yank by Samax Amen

Here's a commissioned piece I did recently from my internet compadre and fellow blogger and comicbook writer J.R. LeMar. I appreciate J.R. for continually giving me work, so you should check out his blog! Anyways, J.R. is working on some stories featuring a modern (and female) version of the unfortunately named golden age character "Fighting Yank" and asked me to do a piece. Apparently the character is in the public domain... and with that costume, I understand why (ugh!)... it looks a LITTLE bit better on a thick-legged girl, I guess... as usual, by the time I was done, I started liking the character...
hope you enjoy it...

I'm currently giving away free commissions (or 8.5 x 11 prints of existing pieces, like this one) with a paid subscription to my magazine GhettoManga Quarterly! for details, click here.


J.R. LeMar said...

I'll admit, I briefly thought of calling my version "Fighting Yankee," because "Yank" really does sound kind weird to me. But, apparently, that was a rather common slang term for the work Yankee back around the time when the character was originally created. So, I guess, @ the time, the sounded like a good name. And since my version is the Great Granddaughter of the original, she's sticking with the name, to honor his legacy.

But, yeah, I don't know what they were thinking with that costume. I think the female version works much better.

Samax said...

Right! I think it's a good angle for a comic character too... carrying on a legacy creates lots of weight to draw from. Like I said, after drawing the character, I started to see some potential there.

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

Thanks for the kind words looks great !!!

Samax said...

no problem, dude! your work is great!

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