"Three Kings (Spawn, T'challa, Luke Cage)" by @SamaxAmen (brought to you by @BlackComix)

Three totally different black comic book characters who run t'ing in one way or another. I drew this on the title page to BLACK COMIX for my dude Kareem, who bought a copy from the GhettoManga store a while back. I drew this with a Prussian Blue Copic B39-Sketch Marker, in case you were wondering.

I only have one copy of BLACK COMIX in stock right now, so the first person to buy one will get it pretty quick (and I'll throw in a sketch of your favorite black comicbook character too). After that one is gone, it will take a few weeks to get more in from the publisher. But I'll still hook you up with a sketch for your trouble, so click here to order a copy of BLACK COMIX now.


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