Help me celebrate my 43rd birthday!

My 42nd year of life was kinda rough. My dog died, my transmission died, and my marriage died (in that order).  But I'm thankful for my friends, fans, and family who helped me get through all that. My 43rd birthday is this week (Tuesday March 22nd, for the record), and this year I want to use my birthday week to launch into the most successful year I've ever had . . . And it all starts with you!

I want to invite you to sign up for a one year membership in the Samax Amen Fan Club, Your contribution of $5 a month will help me continue to make good stuff!

If I can get 20 new members by the end of my birthday week (Saturday March 26th), I will print FREE tee shirts for all the members, and all members will get a unique membership card with a Cartoon Portrait drawn by me!

(If I don't reach twenty members this week, y'all are definitely getting those membership cards!)

Just click the paypal button below to get started!

( y o u   k n o w   y o u   w a n t   t o . . . )

Type of shirt
tee shirt size
contact email (optional)

Even if you can't fit the $5 in your budget, I want you to know that the moral support you give me means a lot!  Looking forward to making lots of great stuff, and supporting other artists this year!


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