SUNDAY COMICS- Christian Rap Album Covers, Poster Art, Comics, and More

We got a lot to cover this week, so let's get to it!

I was contracted to draw some artwork for Christian Hip Hop artist Jeremiah Dirt last year.

He was in the middle of making a collaborative album with another Christian rapper named Khonshu* under the collaborative name Solomon Cain.

If the name rings a bell, it's because the name is derived from the fictional character Solomon Kane, who was created by venerated West Texas sword-and-sorcery author Robert E. Howard.


The guy who created Conan.

That Robert E. Howard.

Anyways, like his barbarian big bro, Solomon started as a star of a novel, and eventually appeared in comics and movies..

*YES, Khonshu IS the Egyptian Moon god whose name means "traveler" and yes, I know this because he is the patron god of the nocturnal Marvel superhero Moon Knight.

While I  don't know for sure if that is why this rapper chose that name, it's the explanation I choose to believe.
Okay... Now I want to watch this...

Anyways, here's my drawing...  

After releasing the album digitally, Dirt was approached by a media company to print physical CDs, and he used my drawing for the inside of the jewel case.

I talked to Dirt this week and found out there were plans to include a free exclusive poster with the first 100 copies of the CD that are ordered, so I reworked the image into the right format for that.

Stay tuned to your inbox and I'll keep you updated so you won't miss out when he puts 'em on sale, in case you wanna snag one.

For now, you can listen to the record on Dirt's YouTube Channel.
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You can learn more about my experience with Dirt on my blog GhettoManga.


Sunday morning I finished this first draft of another album cover, this one for a rapper named Protestant X.

X gave me very little direction besides some discussion about what inspired him, and the color scheme he liked.  I made a lot of the decisions about the design intuitively, so I was relieved that he liked it,

I'll be making some edits tomorrow, and expect to get final art on this one approved in the next few days.

Outta Psychle is due out very soon, and I'll make sure to let you know when it's available to stream and/or purchase.


Click this picture to peep some colored and lettered panels I leaked on Twitter last week. They're from a four page Born Again Thugs story I'm providing art for.

On Thursday, I finished drawing and lettering the last page of  the story which I'm coloring this week.

Once it's done and up on the client's Facebook page I'll email you so you can read it on there.

If you're subscribed to the #MakingComicsWithSamaxAmen updates, I'll send you the black and white pages to check out this week.

I'm really happy with how this turned out, fam!  I can't wait to show it to you.

I have another album cover lined up this month for Karl Nova, as well more comic book art for BiGS.

If you think you might need my help with creative or copy writing, artwork, consulting or marketing help for your project or business,
click here to hit me on messenger.

You're also welcome to schedule a free (no pressure) phone or video call here to talk about your project.

So that's all for now, fam.

Thanks again for reading! 

-Samax ("some AX") Amen

m o r e . . .

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