How's the weather in your neck of the woods?


In case you didn't know, I'm from Texas, where we have long hot summers.  Because the summers here can be so severe, I really look forward to the drop in temperature, pumpkin aroma, and cozy fashion of Fall. 

But some people go overboard.  This week, the morning temperatures were in the high sixties... but you would have thought it was sub-zero from all the sweatshirts, jackets and scarfs I saw on my morning walk...

So if you're one of these Fall overreactors, this Inktober drawing's for you...
Inktober2019- FREEZE by Samax Amen

Freeze by Samax Amen
Crayola markers in my Big Black Sketchbook
8 x 8 signed print $17.

I broke out my black hoodie to enjoy the crisp Fall air, but it was already in the lower eighties before I could get out of the house.  So no hoodie for me today.

Ah well.


Anyways, if you wanna buy a signed 8 x 8 print of Freeze, click the button below to drop $17 via Paypal, to order yours (includes domestic shipping).
"Freeze" 8x8 Print just $17

Any questions?

If so, just let me know, okay fam?
Thanks again for reading! 

Have a great day,
-Samax ("some AX") Amen

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Wanna Make a Comic Strip with Samax Amen?
#FreelancingFAIL by Samax Amen

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