My Service is a Privilege, Not a Right

Below you'll find a little something from the Daily Sketch archives. If you like to get stuff like this in your email, click the pencil and sign up!  For even more exclusive behind the scenes stuff, upgrade to AMENsiders VIP status!

Hey, fam!

I participate in several Facebook groups made up of creative professionals and small business owners.  I try to offer value to people (for free) whenever I can.

One of my mentors likes to say "if you want someone to believe you can help them, you should help them."

So I have gotten into the habit of just giving away free information, encouragement, and even doing little drawings and things to beautify and help make the groups I'm in better.

I jump in and pick up the slack from time to time, even if no one asked me to.

There can be a downside to that, though...
Imani VS ? (No, You Didn't) by Samax

Imani VS ? (work in progress for a client) by Samax Amen
Cintiq + Adobe Photoshop + font by Blambot
Imani created by Jay Kelley

Over the last few days, I have had more than one person treat my contribution with contempt.

A little insulting joke here.

A snide comment there.

People get a little too familiar.  They behave as though I am "the help".  Like a waiter or bartender that they can look down their nose at.

Nah.  There will be no more free help for them for a while.

I will focus on my email subscribers like you, fam.  On people who ask for help on my blogs, or send me DMs or emails after reading my book.
Instant Download $9.99

Last week I released my new book #FreelancingFAIL: 6 Mindsets and Behaviors That Cause Freelancers to Struggle & How to Overcome Them, so others don't have to make the same mistakes I made.

Learning from the mistakes of others is the epitome of working SMART, not HARD.

#FreelancingFAIL is available for Instant Download for just ten bucks.  If you buy it, please feel free to let me know what you thought and ask any questions you have!

Do You Need Help, fam? 

I'm not actively looking for custom art clients right now (catching up on the work I've got), but if you need help figuring out your creative business, I'm here for you.

So just email me or get at me on Facebook Messenger if you need me.  I'm still setting aside time for free Discovery Calls too, so take advantage of that while you still can.

Thanks again for reading,  fam.
Have a great day!
-Samax ("some AX") Amen

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