Nightcrawler drawing by Samax Amen

Bamf  by Samax Amen. 100% photoshop... 
Here's a drawing I did of Nightcrawler of the X-men. I was getting jammed up on a piece I was doing, and did this to loosen up. cranked this out in 90 minutes. My first exposure to the this character was in a reprint of Giant Size X-men #1 that was in a box of comics I was given by a neighbor who was moving away. Besides having the first black superhero I ever saw on the team (Storm, for the record), the comic also featured this German teleporting mutant  ninja elf! The magnificent Kurt Wagner instantly became my favorite X-man, and X-men became my second favorite comic (Spidey was still the king...). Nightcrawler (a devout religious man who looked like a demon) exemplified the "don't judge a book by its cover" message of the X-men books that helped shape my childhood.
so I hope you enjoy the piece, and I welcome your comments...

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