Selling stuff isn't inherently bad, or sleazy, or whatever. People love buying stuff. What they don't like is feeling manipulated. So when I sell stuff, I just avoid the parts that are not cool. I don't bully people, or twist at their guts, or mislead them. I don't like force-feeding people either. I prefer to attract people, then I show and tell. If people want or need what I'm offering them, they buy. If not, they don't. No harm done to them or me either way. Selling is Just a Tool that helps one make a living by helping others. It doesn't have to be a predatory act with a winner and a loser. In fact, if what you sell solves a problem your audience has, you have an obligation to let them know about it! In that way, Selling is a Service. Contrary to popular opinion, art helps people. For example, comic book writer Grant Morrison explained the value of superhero comics like this:
"We created superheroes to inspire us. To give us an idea of our better selves, and then we could imitate our better selves"
Whether you entertain, or inspire, or educate, Someone Out There Needs You. Transformation Begins With a Transaction. If we are afraid to sell someone something when we know it will help them, lets not pretend we are being virtuous. Fear is a strong motivator. Fear isn't inherently bad, if it's helping us protect ourselves and others from real danger. How Much are You Ruled by Fear? The fear of selling is really just the fear of what others will think. It's an imaginary danger that our minds turn into a giant monster. Declawing and de-fanging that monster is among the most important missions of my life. So you can categorize me as a Skrull if you want. I will continue to show up with my art, and offer value to you and the rest of my subscribers, because I care about you. If you get tired of it, hit the back button or whatever.
No hard feelings, but I'm gonna make my mark the only way I know how. A Skrull's gotta eat.
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