ChampBackers #7- Lisa Bohannon

I have known Lisa since high school. She's one of the only people to keep up with me through all the stages and weird turns my life has taken. She probably bought all the original issues, but she was nice enough to jump on the Champion of Children Kickstarter campaign too, which I appreciate big time! But then, maybe she just did it for the free caricature...

Process art for my new Phoenix Jones drawing "Not in My City" #ScreamPhoenix

I recently decided I was going to draw a series of comic strips called Scream Phoenix following the activities of Phoenix Jones, the costumed activist ("real life superhero") in Seattle. For this piece, I watched a couple youTube videos and picked out a line I wanted to dramatize and launched right into it...

Champ Backers Caricature #5- David Walker

David Walker by Samax Amen
He will not remember this of course, but I met comicbook writer, film maker and all-around fresh cat David Walker at San Diego Comicon in 2006. I was waiting to get into a room with a bunch of other pop culture  nerds enthusiasts to see the trailer for Sam Jackson's (at that time) upcoming anime series Afro Samurai and inadvertently shake hands with the mother- effing RZA. I was standing in line and a door pops open

Champ Backer Caricatures #3- @DavidHopkins

These days everyone I meet swears he is a writer, but none of those cats can fool me, because I know David Hopkins. Yeah, THAT David Hopkins. Now THAT dude is a WRITER!
But I guess I'm getting ahead of myself...

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